Thursday, 1 March 2007

Judson Laipply's evolution of dance

Judson (Jud) Laipply is a motivational speaker and comedian from Cleveland.[1] He is best known for his performance in the Evolution of Dance clip, which is the #1 Most Viewed All Time Video, #1 Top Favorites Video and #4 Most Discussed Video on

BBC interview of Richard Dawkins

Dawkins is an ardent and outspoken atheist, an Honorary Associate of the National Secular Society[33], vice-president of the British Humanist Association and a Distinguished Supporter of the Humanist Society of Scotland. In his essay "Viruses of the Mind" (from which the term "faith-sufferer" originated), he uses memetic theory to analyse and seek to explain the phenomenon of religious belief and some of the common characteristics of organised religions, such as the belief that punishment awaits non-believers.

Bush and Blair Play The Weakest Link

Weakest Link (formerly titled The Weakest Link) is a television game show which first appeared in the United Kingdom on BBC Two on 14 August 2000. It was devised by doctor and situation comedy writer Fintan Coyle and the comedian Cathy Dunning, and developed for television by the BBC Entertainment department.